Fox News: Exposed

Have you heard the news about the Fox News Network apologizing to Canadians for one of their show’s “extra ignorant” segments?

I saw this video before the hoopla about apologies and it really made me angry. Angry enough to post it on my Facebook feed and write an email to the show saying I hope their show is cancelled, and that the complexities of a World War at the stage of weaponry we have today (e.g. nuclear bombs) eludes them.

Be warned this video is really ignorant stuff, and it could make you really angry. You may even join a Facebook group about it!

This is a great “comeback” to the segment. It is a series of pictures and words depicting the history of the Canadian/U.S. military relationship shown over the audio of the show’s segment.

I am very surprised it garnered this much publicity, but you can’t make fun of over 150 Canadian heroes and expect to get away with it.

Side note: Fox News only exists because there is a market for their nonsense. I was watching Bill Maher and one of his guests, Keith Olbermann, said that after talking to the owner, Rupert Murdoch, he found out money is his only motivation for producing the channel. If he could make money running a totally liberal channel, he would do it.

Food for thought.

Ken Dryden at The Hub Halifax

I met Ken before his presentation and I asked him what it was like to win the Stanley Cup, and he asked me if I had won a championship.

I told him about my West Conference Championship win in Rugby and my Midget Football victory. He said it was the same feeling.

He said usually players say “it hasn’t sunk in yet” when asked how they feel, right after winning. But they eventually realize it doesn’t change much about their lives.

This was the man I met at a Fusion event, hosted by The Hub Halifax, on Wednesday.

The MP from Toronto is the Liberal Party’s National Outreach Advisor, Poverty and Working Families. He lead an interesting discussion on how important early childhood development is.

Ken said one thing he hated was people not being given a chance to succeed. Especially through poverty.

He talked about how poverty can keep people behind in their development. He explained how being even a little behind, especially in what is supposed to be a fair race, is pretty debilitating when you think about it.

A powerful metaphor he used was trying to start a 100m race 10 metres behind your competitors. The 100m is the fastest race around, and in many ways life is as well. Seeing the backs of all your competitors in front of you and never quite being able to catchup, no matter how hard you tried… Not a nice way to race, or go through life.

In the discussion period, I told him I believed it was the government’s main responsibility to keep everyone healthy and smart, and I aimed to support that cause some day. He told me good luck!

If you look at my About Me section you can see that I am very passionate about having a healthy lifestyle, because everyone knows “A healthy body equals a healthy mind.”

Ken Dryden really inspired me to keep moving forward on my campaign for healthy living, and also to take a more political role in my country.

I also met Stephen McNeil, the Leader of the Nova Scotia Liberal party, and I will be posting a picture of the three of us soon. (Right place at the right time, I guess!)

One more thing he talked about was how many young people are disinterested in politics. But he explained that young people may be disinterested in politics but they must be interested in the world, and politics is supposed to be the way that we change it.

Let’s all make change happen.